Can Raw Food Really Help Prevent and Treat Cancer?

People all over the world are affected by cancer either indirectly (a friend or family member) or directly. 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop it in their lifetimes. Globally, millions of people die from it and in America it is the second cause of death in adults.

The Causes of Cancer

Cancer is a disease that is caused by many factors. 90-95% of cases are due to environmental factors and 5-10% are caused by genetics. Environmental factors that can cause cancer include tobacco (25-30%), poor diet and obesity (30-35%), certain viral infections (15-20%), radiation (10%), lack of exercise, stress, environmental toxins and pollutants.

Research shows that cancer development is a result of oxidative damage caused by these factors. Free radicals are produced during normal cellular metabolism. These free radicals may accumulate in the body due to genetic and environmental factors but environmental factors may play a larger role in cancer development. Free radical accumulation in cells leads DNA damage causes DNA mutations that may result in the development of cancer.

The Role of Raw Nutrition in Cancer Prevention and Treatment

Phytonutrients, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants in raw food can help treat and reduce the risk of cancer by enhancing the immune system.

Phytochemicals include carotenoids, polyphenols (flavonoids, lignans, curcuminoids), chlorophylls and glucosinolates.

Antioxidants in berries, greens and vegetables can help decrease free radicals in the body and enhance the DNA repair system in the cells. Antioxidants can also be obtained from supplements but food is the best source.

Vitamins, minerals, enzymes and antioxidants present in raw unprocessed food are readily absorbed in the gut. This means they are 100% bioavailable.

Cells become nourished, repaired and restored when they are flooded with nutrients. When the DNA in cells is repaired, the immune system is enhanced and this increases the ability of the body to detoxify, fight infections and maintain cellular homeostasis necessary for optimal health.

Eating fresh vegetables, leafy greens and some cooked whole food can help to provide the body with optimal nourishment which is vital for great health.

Raw food enhances the immune system, aids in weight loss, increases energy, improves memory, detoxification, digestion and elimination.

Lifestyle changes like exercise, stress reduction practices, adequate sleep, smoking cessation can help reduce the risk of cancer and also play a role in treating it.

Exercise also helps to reduce the risk of other diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes.

Diet and lifestyle changes can help to reduce your cancer risk and ultimately change your life.

About the Author

Dr. Amaka Nwozo is the founder of Raw Living Wellness and eMarketing Strategies Now. She is a dentist, author, wellness and digital marketing specialist. She is the author of Amazing and Raw, Raw Anticancer, Healing Autism Right Now and Social Media Marketing Nuggets.

For more information on reducing your cancer risk, order your copy of "Raw Anticancer" today. Do you want low carb highly nutritious recipes that you can prepare anytime, anywhere? Download "Amazing and Raw" for free at

If you're interested in raw wellness coaching, email me at I'd love to hear from you!

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